Engelse literatuur

Shirley (1849) Two Volumes Currer Bell (Emily Bronte 1816-1855)
€ 474,95
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Brontë Collectie (1926-1930) The Professor & Poems, Wuthering Heights & Agnes Grey, etc.
€ 149,95
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Eerste druk NL Editie De honderd en een dalmatiners 1957
€ 99,95
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Jane Austen Collectie Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion
€ 99,95
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Eerste druk Oxford Shakespeare Concordances 10 delen 1969-1972
€ 99,95
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Flower Fairies of the Spring boekendisplay Cicely Mary Barker
€ 74,95
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Nursery Rhymes Mother Goose ca. 1880
€ 64,95
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A study in Scarlet: The First Sherlock Holmes Story Sir. A. Conan Doyle Windsor Edition 1954
€ 59,95
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Eerste druk NL Editie Nagelaten vertellingen 1981 J.R.R. Tolkien
€ 59,95
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In de ban van de ring 1978 Deel 1-6 J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973)
€ 49,95
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